History Project Topics with Materials

Project CodeClick on the topic to continue
HIS0001Slavery And Slave Trade In The Coast Of Douala
HIS0002The Contribution Of Agriculture To The Development Of Bangem Municipality (1996-2017)
HIS0003Pala-Pala competition as a vehicle of development and social change among the Bakweris wrestling
HIS0004The Establishment and Growth of the Full Gospel Mission Church in Babungo Community 1964-2016
HIS0005Challenges Faced By Cameroonian Refugees In Ogoja Nigeria, 2017- 2019
HIS0006The Effects Of The Cameroon Anglophone Crisis: Case Studies Fako And Meme Divisions, 2017–2019.
HIS0007The Production Of Palm Oil And Distribution In Nkot-Gam Village Of Yamba Land 1800-2016
HIS0008Gustav Conrau And The Bangwa Exploits Since 1898: A Historical Account
HIS0009Educational Development And The British In Lebang, 1916-1961
HIS0010The Origin Migration And Settlement Of The Mengom People In Momo Division
HIS0011Chieftaincy Succession Process In The Upper Banyang Sub Division.
HIS0012Border Conflicts Between Folepi Fondom and her Neighbours in the Mundani Area
HIS0013Plan International and Refugees in Cameroon from CAR
HIS0014Implication Of Ndu Tea Privatisation On Ndu Economy
HIS0015Economic And Socio-Cultural Impact Of “Contry Sunday”, In Bambili Village. 1960-2022
HIS0016Bamenda – Enugu Highway Road Trade Significances In Cameroon 2006-2017
HIS0017Ghost Phenomena Amongst The People Of Bachuo Akagbe” A Historical Analysis 1884 – 2015.
HIS0018The Political And Socio-Economic Organisation Of Mbembe From 1800 – 2019
HIS0019The Socio-economic Impact of the Tiko Wharf 1961 to Present
HIS0020A Survey Of Female Education From The Pre-Colonial To The Colonial Period In Southern Cameroon
HIS0021Origin, Migration and Settlement of Ndekwai People of Eyumojock Sub Division
HIS0022The evolution of Beekeeping and sustainable Development in Buea
HIS0023The Cattle Industry in Mbengwi Sub- Division, North West Region
HIS0024Impact Of The University Of Buea On Fako Division
HIS0025Cellphones as a tool in the learning process and its impact on students in the University of Buea
HIS0026The impact of Anglophone Crisis on the Soppo Association of Council Churches in Buea
HIS0027Cameroon-Nigeria Relations: The Pursuit of Economic Integration and Sustainable Development
HIS0028The Development of Beekeeping and Sustainable Growth in Buea 2000-2018
HIS0029Traditional Governance Structure in Bakossi Land: Persistence and AdaptationHIS0029