Top 11 Best Universities in Cameroon [2025]
In today’s world, several university rankings rely on factors unrelated to academic merit. So some colleges and universities’ rankings also offer too much attention to campus popularity, student and alumni satisfaction, and extracurricular benefits.
This article is not one of those classifications. By comparison, the emphasis of this ranking is on academic reputation, academic competence, and intellectual horsepower.
These universities were numerically classified in the overall Best Global Universities rankings based on their positions. – Each institution was assessed by members of the academic community around the world and in the area, based on their research success and ratings.
These are the top 11 universities in global universities.
Top 11 Best Universities in Cameroon
#11: HIBMAT University Institute of Buea

HIBMAT University Institute of Buea (HUIB) is a private university in Buea, Cameroon. It was founded in 2010 and is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon.
HIBMAT has been classified as one of the best universities in Cameroon and ranks as top best and fastest-growing private university in Buea.
HUIB offers programs in Business Studies, Engineering, and Health Sciences at the Higher National Diploma (HND), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech), and Master of Business Administration (MBA) levels.
HUIB is known for its high academic standards and its focus on practical skills. The university has a strong relationship with industry partners, which provides students with opportunities for internships and job placements.
HUIB graduates are highly sought-after by employers in Cameroon and abroad.
Equipped with modern computing facilities and a library with extensive study materials, we currently operate 2 campuses in Buea and 1 in Douala. The university has a total enrollment of over 5,000 students.
HUIB runs three main schools
- Higher Institute Of Business Management
- Higher Institute Of Engineering & Technology
- Higher Institute Of Health Sciences
A1: The Higher Institute Of Business Management offers the following programs for undergraduates:
- Accounting and Finance
- Banking and Finance
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Marketing
- Logistics and Transport Management
- Human Resource Management
- Secretariat Studies, Public Service and Administration
A2: Master in Business Administration (MBA) Programs
- Management
- Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Project Management
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Accounting and Finance
- Finance
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Management Economics
- Financial Management
B: Higher Institute Of Engineering & Technology offers the following programs for undergraduates:
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Civil & Structural Engineering
- Computer & Communications Engineering
C: Higher Institute Of Health Sciences offers the following programs for undergraduates:
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Medical Laboratory Technicians
Admission Requirements to Apply to HIBMAT
- Photocopy of A Levels /BACC or its equivalent
- Photocopy of O Levels / CAP Certificate
- Photocopy of N.I.C. /School I.D
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate
- 4 Passport Size Photographs 4×4
- Registration fee of 15,000 Frs CFA
- Certified true copy of HND result certificate from the Ministry of Higher Education
- A certified true copy of the birth certificate
- A certified true copy of A Levels/BAAC
- Photocopy of N.I.C
- 2 passport-size photographs 4×4
- Registration fee of 25,000 Frs CFA
- Certified Bachelors Degree Certificate or testimonial
- Certified medical certificate
- Transcript of Degree results
- Recommendation letter from 2 lecturers
- Photocopy of employment letter, if employed.
- 2 passport-size photographs 4×4
- Registration fee of 35,000 Frs CFA
Benefits of studying at HIBMAT
Here are some of the benefits of studying at HIBMAT University Institute of Buea:
- High academic standards and focus on practical skills
- Strong relationship with industry partners
- Graduates are highly sought-after by employers
- Affordable tuition fees
- Scholarships available for qualified students
- Diverse student body from all over Cameroon and Africa
If you are interested in studying at HIBMAT University Institute of Buea, you can visit the university’s website or contact the admissions office for more information.
Call/ WhatsApp: 675402368 / 677886820/ 683701720
#10. University of The Mountains Bangangté (UdM) (Global ranking 15330)
Slogan: A place for discussions and exchanges
Official website:
University of the Mountains (UdM) is located in Bangangté, West Province, Cameroon. It is locally known as Université des Montagnes.
The university’s first classes began in October 2000 with 43 students. Between 2011 and 2012, student enrollment grew to 1,757.
As of November 30, 2011, the institution had graduated 176 medical doctors, 18 doctors in pharmacy, 64 bachelor’s degree holders in computer science & networking, 91 bachelors of technology holders in biomedical engineering, and 48 bachelor’s degree holders in telecommunications networks.
As of the 2013-2014 academic year, seven new academic majors became available at UdM: Agroforestry, Agronomy, Environment, and Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Applied Mathematics/Computer Science in Finance and insurance, Reproductive Health, Medical Biology (for laboratory professionals).
University of the Mountains (UdM) currently runs under three main institutions/ faculty that is:
Faculty of Health Sciences
This faculty offers 12 training courses:
Medical and Health Sciences (SMS)
- Human Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Dental Surgery
- Health Sciences
- Medical Biology (Laboratory Professionals)
- Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy)
- Medical Imaging
- Reproductive Health (Accoucheurs)
- Nursing
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Agro-Vet)
- Veterinary Medicine
- Agronomy and Agroforestry
- Environment and Climate Change
The Faculty of Science and Technology proposes:
Seven majors leading to the Bachelor in the following:
- Computers, Networks and Telecommunications
- Mathematics and Computer Science Applied in Finance / Actuarial
- Biomedical Engineering
- Renewable Energies and Climate Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Architecture/City Planning
The Institute of African Studies, Social Sciences and Management
- Promotion of African Cultural Heritage and Tourism
#9. Catholic University of Central Africa (CUCA) (Global Ranking 12622)
Located in Yaounde, the university is listed as one of the best universities in Cameron with a global ranking score of 12622 best universities in the world. CUAC was founded in 1989 by the Association of the Episcopal Conference of the Central African Region.
It opened in 1991 with 111 students. The university has three campuses around Yaoundé, two in the center of town with the main campus outside of the city.
The university has at present count 73 teachers of which about 17 are professors while a large majority are Ph.D. holders. The current rector of the university is Prof./ Rev. Jean Bertrand Salla (Professor).
CUAC has five faculties:
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Management
- The Canon Law Department
- The Advanced School of Nursing
- School of engineering and technology
- School of Health Sciences
UCAC has a network of libraries equipped with digital technology which welcomes you during the academic year and provides you with more than 45,000 books.
This makes it one of the most extensive private-sector libraries in Cameroon.
Qualified and dynamic staff work there on a daily basis. CUAC also provides residential services on campus to students UCAC students, researchers, teachers, interns, and exchange students, just to name a few at a cost of 350,000FRS a year.
#8. Protestant University Of Central Africa (UPAC) (Global ranking 10621)
Slogan: Unknown
Official website:
Protestant University of Central Africa (UPAC) – private nonprofit higher education institution in Cameroon. UPAC became active in 1962. The Protestant University of Central Africa is among the best educational institutions in Cameroon.
Located on the mythical mountain of DJOUNGOLO, in the city of Yaoundé, in the district of Yaoundé 1 st , Rue 1.121 Djoungolo, the Protestant University of Central Africa (UPAC) is the first university institution in Cameroon.
Faculty of Protestant Theology and Religious Sciences (FTPSR)
- Department of Biblical Sciences
- Department of Systematic Theology
- Department of Practical Theology
- Department of History
Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations (FSSRI)
- Peace and Development Studies
- Peace Journalism
- Information Sciences
- Translation and Interpreting
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
- Computer Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Telecommunications Engineering
Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS)
- Clinical Biology
- Sanitary Engineering
- Nursing
#7. University of Bamenda (Global ranking 10409)
Slogan: Service to mankind for the glory of God
The University of Bamenda was created in 2010 and is one of the last 8 newly created universities in Cameroon.
Schools and Faculties
The university has 5 major faculties and 6 institutions
Faculty of Arts.
Faculty of Law and Political Science (With 4 departments in the undergraduate program)
- English private law,
- public law,
- political science
- French private law
Faculty of Economics and Management Science.
Faculty of Education.
Faculty of Science.
Higher Institute of Commerce and Management
Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics
Higher Teacher Training College
- Bilingual Letters
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economic Science
- English Modern Letters
- French Modern Letters
- Geography
- Geology
- Guidance and Counselling etc.
Higher Technical Teacher Training College
National Higher Polytechnic Institute (consists of 7 departments)
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Mining and Mineral Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
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#6. University of Maroua (Global ranking 9743)
Motto: Science-Wisdom-Service
Official website:
The University of Maroua is located in Maroua in the Far North Region of Cameroon with an estimated population of about 300,000 inhabitants.
It was created following a presidential decree no 2008/280 of 09 August 2008.
The University of Maroua has seven (7) main faculties/departments as follows;
- The Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- The Faculty of Sciences
- The Faculty of Economics and Management
- The Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences
- The Ecole Normale Supérieure
- The Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries
- The Higher Institute of the Sahel.
The University of Maroua being a young institution has many departments which are a work in progress. That said, it has several departments that focus on heritage-management issues including:
- The Department of Fine Arts and Heritage Sciences
- The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (with a specialization in archeology, history of civilizations, science, and technique)
- The Department of African Literature and Civilization and finally,
- The Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Philosophy and Psychology, Languages, Literature and Geography. Currently, the University benefits from a funding agreement for training in the promotion of “visual anthropology” with the University of Tromso in Norway. The aim of this training is to train anthropologists who use the camera as a research tool, allowing for various sections of heritage to be inventoried and archived for historic value.
#5. University of Douala (UNIDOU) (Global ranking 8261)
Slogan: a young-a job
Official Website:
The University of Douala, like the other seven public universities in Cameroon, was created and organized by Presidential Decree No. 93/030 of 19 January 1993. The University of Douala is ranked as one of the best universities in Cameroon and as 8261 best universities in the world.
With 72 vocational programs and a good number of specialty schools, the University of Douala now has over 46, 000 students and is one of the largest of Cameroon’s (07) states run universities.
Faculties at the University of Douala
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Law and Political Science
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Economics and Applied Management
- Faculty of Industrial Engineering
- Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Specialty schools at Douala University
- ESSEC – Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economique et Commerciales. (Higher School of Economics and Commerce)
- ENS ENSET (Higher School of Technical Teacher Training) – for Technical Education
- Institute of Fine Arts
- Institute of Technology
- Institute of Fisheries Science.
- Centre for Atomic Physics, Molecular, Optical, and Quantum Physics.
- Distant Learning Center
#4. University of Yaoundé I (UYI) (Global ranking 5849)
Official Website:
The University of Yaoundé I is one of the best Universities in Cameroon and has a global ranking as the 5849 best universities in the world. It has an estimated 14, 999 students and 799 academic teaching staff. The university started accepting students at its doorsteps in 1993. The university is in the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
The University of Yaoundé I has its own main library service which offers readers verities of books and publications for easy reading.
Faculties and Schools at the University of Yaoundé I
- Faculty of Arts, Letters, and Human Sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Faculty of Educational Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- École Normale Supérieure
- National Polytechnic School
- University Institute of Wood Technology – Mbalmayo
- Higher Normal School of Technical Education
- Doctoral Schools
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#3. University of Ngaoundéré (Global ranking 4690)
Official Website:
The University of Ngaoundéré has the following establishment
- School of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Industries (EGCIM)
- School of Geology and Mining (EGEM)
- Normal Superior School of Bertoua (ENS)
- National Higher School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI)
- School of Science and Veterinary Medicine (ESMV)
- Faculty of Letters Arts and Human Sciences (FALSH)
- Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua (FMSB)
- Faculty of Sciences (FS)
- Faculty of Education Sciences (FSE)
- Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG)
- Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences (FSJP)
- University Institute of Technology (IUT)
The University of Ngaoundéré also provides residential accommodation to students for an affordable price range of 10,000-15,000FRS per month.
The University of Ngaoundéré also has a school restaurant that has the capacity to provide meals to an estimated 800 students a day for a price of 100FRS.
With regards to health, the University of Ngaoundéré has a medical facility on campus called The Centre Medico Social Radiology (CMS) which provides consultation to students at a price of 200.
Centre Medico Social Radiology also has a pharmacy, an observation unit, and a social action service that cares for the disabled.
The University of Ngaoundéré has a number of Associations that students often get engaged in such as:
- Cultural
- Peer Club Educators
- Communication Club
- Choir Heart of Unity Choir
- Red Cross
- Heritage dances
- Urban dances
- Fan’s club etc.
#2. University of Buea (Global ranking 4178)
Slogan/motto: A place to be/ Knowledge with wisdom
Official website:
The University of Buea is listed as one of the best universities in Cameroon with a Global ranking as the 4,178 best universities in the world.
It is located in the historic town of Buea on the eastern flank of Mount Cameroon and it is the only English-speaking institution of its kind in predominantly French-speaking Central Africa.
The University of Buea has an estimated number of about 12,000 students, 300 permanents, and 200 part-time staff.
With regard to the origin, it was founded as a university center in 1985 and became a full-fledged university in 1992, following a government decree that re-organized state universities in the country.
At the moment the total number of departments is 25 and that of programs 32. UB has seven faculties, two colleges, and a school.
- Faculty of Engineering and Technology
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
- Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
- Faculty of Laws and Political Science
- Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters
- Higher Technical Teachers Training College (in Kumba).
- College of Technology.
UB is located on four campuses as follows.
Campus A: Main campus-seven faculties (Molyko).
Campus B: FHS (Bomaka mile 17).
Campus C: CURELF (Found at Bongo Square).
Campus D: HTTTC Kumba (Meme Division).
The Buea University library operates in two buildings:
The Main Library has an open stacks book collection, quick reference, and general reference books. It is situated between the science laboratories, the Faculty of Arts Building, and the Annex Library.
The Annex library is behind the Faculty of Arts Building. It contains special collections — reserve books/lecturer notes, archives, journals, and the Cameroon collection. The library also houses cassettes, videotapes, microfilm, and CD-ROM resources. Faculty, staff, and students use the library collection. Alumni, users from institutions affiliated with UB, and members of the public can, with authorization, use the library.
The University of Buea also provides residential accommodation of 102 rooms to female students for an affordable price of 50,000FRS per year.
The University of Buea also has a school restaurant that has the capacity to provide meals to an estimated 850-900 students a day for a price of 100FRS.
With regard to health, the University of Buea has a medical facility on campus that provides consultation to students and pharmacy services.
#1 University of Dschang (UD) (Global ranking 3407)

Slogan: Only one true winner, Cameroon
Official Website:
The University of Dschang is one of the 8 state-owned public universities and is ranked as the top best university in Cameroon with a global ranking as the 3407 best universities in the world.
The University of Dschang was created by the reform of the university by Decree No. 93/026 of January 19, 1993, it inherits the former university center of Dschang, which mainly has an agro-sylva pastoral vocation.
The University of Dschang has an estimated 510 permanent staff, 49 assistant teachers, and 583 support staff. The University of Dschang has 7 major institutions as shown below
The University of Dschang has seven Major institutions:
- Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG),
- Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG),
- Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEA),
- Faculty of Humanities (FESA),
- Faculty of Science (FSA)
- University Institute of Technology (FUT) Victor in Bandjoun
- The Foumban Institute of Fine Arts (IBAF).
Concluding Remarks
Knowing the best universities in Cameroon will enable you to make the right decision on which university you should enroll in for your higher learning.
We suggest you study each university very well before making a choice to enroll for your undergraduate, master’s, or Ph.D. studies.
Let us know in the comment section below, which university you find the best universities in Cameroon.
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