List of Nursing schools in Buea Cameroon [2025]
There are presently 8 Nursing schools in Buea Cameroon. Over the past decades, there has been an alarming increase in the number of students enrolled in nursing programs in Cameroon.
This high-rate enrolment was a result of the provision of better learning facilities for nurses and the overall increase in the payment of salaries of nurses in Cameroon.
Out of the 8 nursing schools in Buea Cameroon, 7 are privately run while only 1 is owed by the state. The blog article will give you an insight into the different nursing schools in Buea Cameroon.
8 Best Nursing Schools in Buea Cameroon
#1. Redemption Higher Institute of Biomedical and Management Sciences Buea (RHIBMS)
RHIBMS has been ranked as one of the best private nursing schools in Buea.
The nursing school was officially opened to the general public in 2010 and is popularly known as the “Guru in Biomedicals” with 100% Passes in all her HND Exams for over 12 years.
RHIBMS offers training programs for students from HND to BSc to Masters level.
RHIBMS is officially affiliated with the University of Bamenda.
Quick Fact about RHIBMS
Official Website:
Contact Number: (+237) 677172022 / (+237) 681019578
WhatsApp: 677172022 or 681019578
Location: RHIBMS is located at Tared Malingo in Molyko directly opposite Jehovah’s Witness church few meters away from the junction.
Moto: Passion for Excellent Training
Programs offer at RHIBMS
A). Undergraduate Nursing Programs offer at RHIBMS include;
a) HND in Nursing, Midwifery, and Laboratory Science
Duration: 3 Years
Eligibility: A pass in any two (2) levels subjects (excluding religious studies)/BAC.
Tuition Fees: 310,000 FCFA
b) Top-Up BSc in Nursing, Midwifery, and Laboratory Science
Duration: 1Year
Eligibility: Higher National Diploma (HND)
Tuition Fees: 450,000 FCFA
c) Direct BSc. in Nursing, Midwifery, and Laboratory Science
Duration: 4 Years
Eligibility: A pass in any two (2) A levels of subjects (excluding religious studies).
Tuition Fees: 330,000 FCFA
d) State Registered Nursing
Duration: 3 Years
Eligibility: Through entry Exams with the Ministry of Public Health (Choose RHIBMS as your school of study)
NB: A-level holders only
Tuition Fees: 350,000frs
e) Nursing Assistant
Duration: 1 Year
Eligibility: Through entry Exams with the Ministry of Public Health (Choose RHIBMS as your school of study)
NB: O Levels holders only
Tuition Fees: 300,000frs
Postgraduate Nursing Programs offer at RHIBMS include;
Duration for all masters programs: 2 years
Eligibility: BSc degree in the required field
Tuition Fee: 650,000frs
a). MSc in Midwifery
b). MSc in Nursing Education
c). MSc in medico- Surgical Nursing
d). MSc in Public Health
e). MSc in Pharmacology
f). MSc in Chemical Pathology
g). MSc in Medical Micro Biology and Parasitology
h). Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery
NB: [Transition from BSc Nursing to Midwifery]: 1 year
Benefits enjoyed by students at RHIBMS
1) Well designed class Rooms with office chairs, comfortable for learning
2) Free internet service for all students
3) Free Practical Equipment during practical sessions in school
4) Free access to computers
5) Free Ice Cream for students
6) Free Excursions and parties
7) Free Sportswear for all students
8) Availability of Tea and coffee for the students
9) Free soft copy of notes for easy learning
10) Free placement of students at internship site with effective follow-up by teachers
11) Free Library with textbooks for students
#2. St. Francis School of Nursing And Midwifery, Buea
One of the oldest nursing schools in Buea Cameroon, St. Francis School of Nursing and Midwifery, Buea was opened to train qualified nurses capable of providing to society quality nursing care in varieties of health care units for both home and abroad.
The institution offers both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programs.
Nursing programs at St. Francis School of Nursing and Midwifery, Buea
a) Diploma and Undergraduate Programs
- Nursing Assistant: 1 year
- HND in Nursing: 3 years
- HND in Midwifery: 3 years
- State Registered Nurse: 3 years
- State Registered Midwifery: 3 years
- Top-up BSc in Nursing: 1 year
- Direct BSc in Nursing: 4 years
b) Postgraduate Programs
- Masters of Science in Nursing Education and Administration: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Nursing Informatics: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Mental Health nursing: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Pediatric Nursing: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Geriatric Nursing: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Family Health Nursing: 2 years
- Masters of Science in Health Promotion and Community Health Education: 2 years
Suggested: 7 Bests Online Master’s Degree In Nursing
#3. University Institutes of Applied Studies HIAMS & HIAEBS
Official Website:
Contact Number: (+237) 682 71 12 75
Campus programs offer
- HND in Nursing Science
- Bachelor’s Degree and HND in Nursing Science
Tuition fee’s structure is generally as follows:
Application: 5,000 FCFA
One Time Registration per programme: 50,000 FCFA
HND Tuition: 400,000 FCFA annually
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: 500,000 FCFA,
The University Institutes Of Applied Studies HIAMS & HIAEBS is one major Nursing school in Buea Cameroon that offers the following range of programs to fit every practicing professional at the assistant or entry-level, wishing to top up or advance in their careers academically or professionally online for students who are unable to attend the general classroom system if education.
- One Year Assistant Professional to HND Nursing
- Two Years Assistant Professional to HND Nursing
- One Year HND to Bachelor’s Degree Nursing
- Two Years Full Professional (SRN) to Bachelor’s Degree Nursing
HIAMS is in partnership with renowned institutions and hospitals
- University of East Anglia
- Coventry University
- University of Texas Medical Branch
- Brookline College
- University of Buea
- Mount Mary Catholic Health Center
- Regional Hospital Bamenda
Related: Top 10 Best Universities in Cameroon
#4. University Of Buea
Date of creation: 1993
P.O box: 63 BUEA
Contact Number: (237) 332.2134/3322690
Official Website:
The University of Buea is one of the major nursing schools in Buea Cameroon.
The nursing program is been run under the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. Selected candidates for the nursing program are through an entrance examination (Concours).
Department of Nursing programs at University of Buea
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Masters in Nursing Education
The mission of this Nursing program is to train highly qualified nurses capable of providing holistic high-quality nursing care in diverse clinical situations locally, nationally, and internationally.
Tuition Fees: 50,000FCFA
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#5. Biaka University Institute Buea (BUIB)

Official Website:
Email: or
Contact Number: +237 676 658 887
Created in 1998, the Biaka University Institute is one of the accredited nursing schools in Buea Cameroon.
Its mission is to empower individuals to achieve maximum capacity through the provision of quality education at all levels.
Nursing programs offer at Biaka University
a) Direct BSc. in Nursing
Duration: 4 Years
Eligibility: A pass in at least two A levels of subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting.
Tuition Fees: 540,000 FCFA for Cameroonians and 1380 USD for internationals
b) HND in Nursing
Duration: 3 Years
Eligibility: A pass in at least two A levels of subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting.
Tuition Fees: 440,000 FCFA for Cameroonians and 1055 USD for internationals
c) State Registered Nursing
Duration: 3 Years
Eligibility: Through entry Exams with the Ministry of Public Health (A levels holders only)
Tuition Fees: 394,000 FCFA for Cameroonian
d) Nursing Assistant
Duration: 1 Year
Eligibility: Through entry Exams with the Ministry of Public Health (O level holders and above)
Tuition Fees: 344,000 FCFA for Cameroonian
e) Top-Up BSc in Nursing
Duration: 1Year
Eligibility: Higher National Diploma (HND) + three years
Tuition Fees: 570,000 FCFA for Cameroonians and 1380 USD for internationals
An added advantage is that Biaka University Institute Buea is one of the rear nursing schools in Buea Cameroon that accepts transfer students who are currently enrolled in their previous university to further their studies at the Biaka institute.
#6. St Jude Higher Institute ” Of Nursing And Biomedical Studies.
Official Website:
Contact Numbers: +237 651 042 454 and +237 651 042 483
One of the most important nursing schools in Buea, Cameroon is St Jude Higher Institutes of Nursing and Biomedical Studies.
The institution was established on September 27, 2007, with authorization no. 07/0144/MINESUP du 27/09/2007 Prime Minister office Visa 002997 of September 2, 2007 / 003002 of September 20, 2007, Yaounde / 10494.
St. Jude Higher Institute of Nursing and Biomedical Studies graduated its first HND batch in 2012 and has since graduated more than ten batches in its domains.
There are currently 3 nursing programs offer at the St Jude Higher Institute.
This includes:
a) Nursing Assistance
- Requirements: ‘O’ Level/BAC
- Duration: 1-2 years
- Tuition Fee: 190.000Frs CFA
- International Students: $900.00US
b) Nursing Administration
- Requirements: ‘A’ Level/BAC
- Duration: 2 years
- Diploma: HND
- Tuition Fee: 350.000Frs CFA
- International Students: $1200.00US
c) Nursing
- Requirements: ‘A’ Level/BAC
- Duration: 3 years
- Diploma: HND
- Tuition Fee: 350.000Frs CFA
- International Students: $1200.00US
#7. Saint Monica University (SMU), Buea, Cameroon
Official Website:
Contact Number: +237 660111989
The American International University prides itself on its international character.
Designed as an international university, it is very friendly to people from early cultures and nationalities.
It doesn’t discriminate in matters of race, national origin, creed, sexual orientation, etc.
This diversity is seen in both our faculty and staff, as well as our students.

As one of the leading Nursing schools in Buea Cameroon, the institution currently has students, faculty, and staff from a total of 13 countries, which is impressive for a young African-based university.
The institution also has links with universities in Britain, India, and Russia, permitting students to experience a truly international university.
The nursing programs in the St Monica University is currently run under the School of Health And Human Services under the Department Of Applied Health Sciences (DAPHS)
The department provides nursing programs for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
- Master of Science in Nursing Education with various concentrations
#8. Gracious Higher Institute of Excellence
Official Website:
Contact Numbers: (+237)678457550 and (+237)620060285
The Gracious Research and Education Association (GREA) is also among the Nursing schools in Buea Cameroon. Its main mission was incepted to research, develop and disseminate clinical knowledge.
The institution runs nursing programs from Diploma to Masters.
- Diploma in Nursing
- Higher National Diploma (HND) in Nursing
- Bachelor Of Science (BSc) in Nursing
- Masters Of Science (MSc) in Nursing
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Very interesting