10 Best Science Programs to Study at the University in Cameroon

10 Best Science Programs to Study at the University in Cameroon

10 Best Science Programs to Study at the University in Cameroon

If you wondering what you can study at the university as a science student, then this article is for you.

A lot of students from High school have very little knowledge of programs that are available for them to study at the university.

In this article, we have covered some of the 10 best science programs you can study at the university after passing your GCE A/L.

1). Biochemistry (BCH)

Biochemistry is one of the top-notch bachelor’s degree programs you can study in the University after having your Advance Level.

This is a highly competitive program that often admits students with good grades at the Advance level. Some Universities in Cameroon will turn to admit only students with a minimum of 10 points at the A/L level.

The University of Buea and Bamenda has a strongly based of students who want to study Biochemistry at the University.

Graduates from Biochemistry can work in a variety of industry sectors in Cameroon in areas such as pharmacies, food and beverage companies, oil and gas companies, Universities, research centers, Forensic scientists etc.

2). Microbiology (MCB)

Similar to Biochemistry, Microbiology is another science program you can study at the University after passing your GCE A/L. A good place to start your journey in Microbiology would be the University of Buea and the University of Bamenda.

With good GCE O/L results and with a minimum of 7 points at the Advance level, you are well qualified to study Microbiology at the University.

The University of Buea goes a further length to offer another specialty within Microbiology called Parasitology.

Upon graduation, graduates from Microbiology can work in Hospitals, Pharmaceutical industries, the petroleum industry, academic researchers in Universities, teachers, food processing companies etc.

3). Chemistry (CHEM)

Chemistry is another top-notch program you can study at the University after passing your GCE A/L.

With good grades in O/L mathematics and Chemistry and good grades in A/L Chemistry, you are fit to study Chemistry at the University.

Graduates with a degree in Chemistry can work as Teachers, laboratory technicians, quality control experts, Forensic scientists, pharmacologists, Petrochemical engineers, etc.

4). Computer Sciences (CS)

Computer Science is one of the best programs you can study at the University after passing your GCE A/L level. With a good grade in mathematics, Computer Science, and any other Advance level science subject you are good to go.

Computer Science graduates have many opportunities you can ever, imagine. Most end up self-employed even if they never get a government job.

However, most end up working in the ICT department of almost every single business in Cameroon, such as banks, hospitals, schools, etc.

Most graduate with a Computer Science degree ends up as software developers, web developers, graphic designers, data analysts, ICT security experts, game developers, database administrators, etc.

5). Environmental Science (ENV)

Environmental Science is also regarded as one of the best science programs you can enroll to study at the University after passing your GCE A/L.

This program is like the mother of all science subjects in the University.

Students turn to learn almost everything that gives them room to work in almost any sector or enterprise that concerns nature on Earth.

Graduates from Environmental Science programs can end up with a career as teachers, Geographers, Ecologist, Climatologists, Environmental Officers, Wildlife Officers, Environmental Consultants, Town Planners, Marine Biologists, Hygiene and Sanitation Officers, etc.

6). Geology (GLY)

Similar to Environmental Science, Students can also enroll to study Geology at the University. This program provides so many opportunities to students both at home and abroad.

Graduates with a degree in Geology often start their career life as Teachers, Geologists, Geological surveyors, Marine geologists, etc.

Graduates can work in any of the following sectors in life, mining, energy, teaching, research, business Environment, etc.

6). Nursing / Nursing Science

If you are someone who likes taking care of others, then you can study nursing at the University after having your GCE A/L.

Nursing has become one of the most popular and populated university programs, with most women rushing into it every year. There are now several nursing schools all over Cameroon.

Even though the majority of those who go in for nursing in Cameroon have no science background, however, if you have a science background you will do exceptionally very well in the university.

Nurses’ major place of work is the hospital, however, as a graduate in nursing, you work as a clinical nurse, nursing assistant, healthcare assistant, nursing teacher, surgical nurse, midwife, etc.

Read: 8 Best Nursing Schools in Buea Cameroon

7). Medical School

In Cameroon, when a student is very intelligent and smart, every parent or teacher would recommend them to enroll in medical school after passing their GCE A/L.

Medical schools in Cameroon are very competitive and often require students to write an entrance examination.

Most students who enroll in medical school programs often have good O/L and A/L results in most cases with a minimum of 15 points.

Medicine as a whole has a lot of branches within it which often require students to select an aspect and specialist in it.

Some career options include being a general hospital doctor, surgeon, Sonographer, Teacher, Cardiologist, Urologist, Gynecologist, etc.

Medicine students can work in Hospitals, consulting agencies, Government agencies, laboratories, Schools, etc.

It takes approximately 7years of university studies to become a medical doctor graduate in Cameroon.

Read: 7 Best Medical Schools in Cameroon

8). Engineering

Another possible program you can study at the university after passing your GCE A/L is Engineering.

Engineering just like Medicine is also meant for smart and creative students who are good in Mathematics and Physics.

There are several branches within the engineering field that you can choose to specialize in. Civil engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering etc,

9). Botany

Botany is another program you can study at the University after passing you’re A/L examination. Botany in simple words means the study of plants.

It has several branches such as Life Science, Plant Sciences, Horticulture, Forestry, etc.

Graduates from Botany can work in areas such as the Ministry of Environment, Botanical Gardens, agricultural companies, etc

10). Zoology

Zoology is for lovers of animals. If you have a passion for animals, then you can apply to study Zoology at the University after passing your GCE A/L.

Graduates from Zoology can work in research centers, Academic institutions as teachers and lecturers, Animal care centers, wildlife centers, park rangers, etc.

Final Conclusion

There are several programs you can study in the university after having your GCE Advance Level. The above-listed 10 programs are one of the most popular programs you can easily find in most universities in Cameroon.

You should take a deep breath and rethink what path you want to take in life. Do not allow family members to decide what you should study, and do not allow societal pressure to force or push you to study programs you do not like at the University.

If, you have any questions or suggestions on what you can study at the university, feel free to drop your opinion in the comment section below.

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