Career guidance for students, individuals, on how to choice the right career path. Get educated on what opportunities are there for your while studying at Universities. How to become a leading example in the society

10 Bad Habits of University Students in Cameroon

It’s very hard to figure out which habits are good and which are bad at the university level. As a university student in Cameroon, there are certain bad habits that you should work upon, and there are certain traits that you should shed. Today we will be looking at 10 of the many bad habits that university students in Cameroon engage in. 10 Bad Habits of University Students in Cameroon 1. Not learning a skill Many university students in Cameroon spend all...

6 Most Worthless University Degrees in Cameroon by 2035

If you read this, you probably wonder how important your current degree is to your career. Or perhaps you're a senior in high school, wondering what degree to seek. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing, 5G, genetics, and biotechnology will trigger widespread labour market disruption within the next 10-15 years in Cameroon. As most degrees lead to employment after graduation, these changes in technology will also influence what you want to study at university. The overall objective of the Cameroon...

10 Life Lessons Every Student Should Know Before Graduating From School

After university, you are going to get a job, have a family, build a home, become a millionaire, and live happily ever after. There is just one problem with your plan. The only problem together with your plan is that the world.This article is to let students know things to seem out for before they graduate in order that they don’t get railroaded.   10 Life Lessons Every Student Should Know Before Graduating From School 1. A Degree doesn't Entitle You To employment We all...

25 Ways To Treat Yourself in Life, No Matter What People Say

As the old saying goes – if you don’t love yourself, who else will? It’s the little pleasures that get us through the everyday grind.   Doing little things that make you happy is a good way to boost your self-esteem as well as your general mood. This in turn has a knock-on effect on your mental health. It’s a win-win! Plus, most are free or cheap, so there’s no excuse for not showing yourself a little love from time to time!   Why...

Student’s Guide On How To Become A More Organized Student

Become a more organized student.  If you’re reading this article, it is likely that you struggle with students’ time management and personal organization while being in university. First of all, don't worry because you're not alone and many students all the time are facing similar problems worldwide.   Second, it’s great that you’ve managed to pinpoint that you have a problem since many people might prefer to stay oblivious and deny that they have any issues whatsoever.   Third, give yourself credit for trying...

8 Ways To Improve Your CV While You Are Still At University

Planning for your future is important. Graduate employment opportunities are extremely competitive. More and more graduates are competing for the same jobs and schemes and even if you manage to secure a top degree from a leading university this may still not be enough to secure your perfect job. However, there are still a number of things that you can do while you are at university to increase your prospects of success. 8 Ways To Improve Your CV While You Are Still At...

10 Reasons Why you are so Unproductive

Whether we mean it or not, our everyday lives are full of unproductive habits. Such habits make us feel less efficient when trying to achieve our business goals and can cause us to miss out on opportunities. Running your own business is fantastic. You select which clients you're working with, and you can shape your company in a way that suits you. However, this also means you don’t have a boss looking after you and checking on your progress. It's all up to you, but you need to keep your productivity in top shape.   Managing time is a challenge, but there are things you can do and unproductive things you can stop to improve your...