BACKGROUND: Home accident is a major public health problem with social and economic problem implications and is the leading cause of injuries and death worldwide. Home accident has physical and mental damages. A significant proportion of injuries and death of young children worldwide due to home accident and efforts to reduce home accident should be a priority (Health social service and public safety, 2015). This research was done within the period of November 2023 to April 2024METHOD: Data was collected using a well-structured questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions with a sample size of 150 mothers.
OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this study were to assess mother’s knowledge on home accidents in children of 0-5 years in the Down beach(LIMBE) Community,to assess mother’s knowledge on the management of home accidents in children of 0-5 year in LIMBE Community,to assess the of knowledge of mothers level on the complication of home accident in children of 0-5 years in Limbe community.
RESULTS with respect to objective one, mothers have knowledge on home accident with 66 (44%) of them being about to define what home accident was, the causes of home accident with 63 (42%) said burns, 50 (33.3%) said falls and 37 (24.7%) said poisoning and 87 (58%) of mothers said that home accident can be prevented. With respect to objective two, 132 (12%) of mothers had knowledge on the management of home accident. With respect to objective three, 150 (100%) mothers had knowledge on complications of home accident.
RECOMMENDATION: However, this doesn’t mean something cannot be done to improve their knowledge. Seminars should be organized at the community level and hospitals so as to improve the knowledge of mothers or care givers on home accident in children of 0-5years.
1.1 Background of the Study
Home accident is a leading cause of death and disability Worldwide, 90% of global deaths from home accident occurs in low- and middle-income countries. (LMICs). In 2012, about 10% of the mortality burden in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was as a result of injuries. The Center for Disease Control also found out that unintentional injuries make up the eighth leading cause of death in the Sub-Saharan Africa and in Cameroon in 2016-,. The result is estimated that mortality rate of 26 per 100,000 populations and 32 per 100,000 populations (Obenetal.,2022).
Home injuries are injuries that occurs within the home and its surroundings and are serious health and public health problems(Paget&Thelot, 2012). Several studies carried out in the United States and Europe reports a high incident rate of home injury consultation, hospitalization, death. In Europe, every year, an estimated population of 452,200 admissions and40,000deaths occur due to home injuries (Helmanet al.,2014). Some people in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Cameroon, are known to live in an unplanned settlement with poorly constructed houses, predisposing them to home injuries that can result to disabilities, loss of productivity, and death (Chenal, 2016).Despite all the disabilities and economic consequences, very little additional research has been done in Sub-Saharan Africa, which could help give guide on the prevention strategies to solve this health issue (Oben et al., 2022).
In a hospital-based study in Cameroon, (Juilliardet al., 2014)home injuries comprised of 20% of all injuries. Researchthat was carried out in the low- and middle-incomecountries suggests that there is low rate of utilization of formal care services. Hospital based data may not be accurate reflect the underlying burden of injury in the population, both by underestimating the magnitude and introducing selection bias regarding the types of injuries reported. Little is known regarding why individuals may or may not choose to seek formal care;furthermore, limits our interpretation of hospital data (Obenet al.,2022).
According to Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is a grand nursing theory that was developed by Dorothea Elizabeth Orem between 1959 and 2001. This theory is also called Orem’s Model of Nursing. This theory focuses on the individual’s ability to perform self-care, which is defined as the practice of activities by individuals’ initiate and performed on their own behalf to maintaining life, health, and well-being.
Orem’s Self- Care nursing theory offers direction for the carers or mothers of children aged 0-5 years old in the environmental setting of homes. In this setting, the mothers assist the children in teaching, guiding, supporting, and providing a developmental environment. These levels of care range from total care, to educating children and people around them and preventing negative health outcomes.The four major concepts of nursing according to Orem’s are: Person, environment, health, and nursing Hartweg, D. L. (2015).
1.2 Problem Statement
Globally, injuries related to home accidents are gradually becoming health problems in our communities. Household mishaps are a major cause of accidental death in many countries. The frequency and severity of accident vary from country to country and home to home (world bank2015) Cameroon, as a developing country with poorly structured houses, isat risk of accidents at home (Chenal J,2016).
World Health Organization (2014) every, year about 830,000 children die from home accident worldwide. According to Paudelet al.,(2014), one factor that plays a critical role both in the occurrence and severity of the injury is the environment of the child. The World Health Organization in 2008, themortality rate in children under five years of age has decrease from 72 in every 1000 children in 1999 to 35 in every 1000children in 2006.
In many situations, children are exposed to danger in many homes.As such, in Sub- Saharan Africa, about 10% of the mortality burden is attributed to injuries. In Cameroon ,the mortality rate was 26 per 100,000 populations (Obenet al.,2016) as a result of home accidents, but unfortunately, they are rather underrated public health problems, and underrated house problemsso therefore, this study is out to examine mother’s knowledge on home accidents and their management among children aged 0-5 yearsin the down beach, (Limbe) Community.
From my observations, home accident is given little or no attention by the parents or caregivers since some of the causes like falls are been ignore or not look upon as reasonable and also parents do not believe that risk resulting from injuries at home can be prevented so therefore they do not take the preventive method seriously and as such I observed that during my stay in Buea Regional hospital must children who were brought in had either drank detergent like “La croix” or rat poisons and so where rush to the hospital for medical attention as such it is the leading cause of death and injuries in Cameroon specifically in the Buea Municipality this motivated me to carry out this research on assessing mothers knowledge on home accident and its management among children of 0-5 years at down beach in the Limbe Municipality .
1.3 Research Question
- What knowledge do mothers have on the management of home accidents in children 0-5 years old at Down Beach Community?
- What knowledge do mothers have on the management of home accidents in children aged 0-5 years at Down beach Community?
- What knowledge do mothers have on the complications of home accidents in children 0-5 years at Down Beach?
Check out: Nursing Project Topics with Materials
Project Details | |
Department | Nursing |
Project ID | NSG0239 |
Price | Cameroonian: 5000 Frs |
International: $15 | |
No of pages | 69 |
Methodology | Descriptive |
Reference | yes |
Format | MS word & PDF |
Chapters | 1-5 |
Extra Content | table of content, questionnaire |
This is a premium project material, to get the complete research project make payment of 5,000FRS (for Cameroonian base clients) and $15 for international base clients. See details on payment page
NB: It’s advisable to contact us before making any form of payment
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We’ve been providing support to students, helping them make the most out of their academics, since 2014. The custom academic work that we provide is a powerful tool that will facilitate and boost your coursework, grades and examination results. Professionalism is at the core of our dealings with clients
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Project Details | |
Department | Nursing |
Project ID | NSG0239 |
Price | Cameroonian: 5000 Frs |
International: $15 | |
No of pages | 69 |
Methodology | Descriptives |
Reference | yes |
Format | MS word & PDF |
Chapters | 1-5 |
Extra Content | table of content, questionnaire |
BACKGROUND: Home accident is a major public health problem with social and economic problem implications and is the leading cause of injuries and death worldwide. Home accident has physical and mental damages. A significant proportion of injuries and death of young children worldwide due to home accident and efforts to reduce home accident should be a priority (Health social service and public safety, 2015). This research was done within the period of November 2023 to April 2024METHOD: Data was collected using a well-structured questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions with a sample size of 150 mothers.
OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this study were to assess mother’s knowledge on home accidents in children of 0-5 years in the Down beach(LIMBE) Community,to assess mother’s knowledge on the management of home accidents in children of 0-5 year in LIMBE Community,to assess the of knowledge of mothers level on the complication of home accident in children of 0-5 years in Limbe community.
RESULTS with respect to objective one, mothers have knowledge on home accident with 66 (44%) of them being about to define what home accident was, the causes of home accident with 63 (42%) said burns, 50 (33.3%) said falls and 37 (24.7%) said poisoning and 87 (58%) of mothers said that home accident can be prevented. With respect to objective two, 132 (12%) of mothers had knowledge on the management of home accident. With respect to objective three, 150 (100%) mothers had knowledge on complications of home accident.
RECOMMENDATION: However, this doesn’t mean something cannot be done to improve their knowledge. Seminars should be organized at the community level and hospitals so as to improve the knowledge of mothers or care givers on home accident in children of 0-5years.
1.1 Background of the Study
Home accident is a leading cause of death and disability Worldwide, 90% of global deaths from home accident occurs in low- and middle-income countries. (LMICs). In 2012, about 10% of the mortality burden in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was as a result of injuries. The Center for Disease Control also found out that unintentional injuries make up the eighth leading cause of death in the Sub-Saharan Africa and in Cameroon in 2016-,. The result is estimated that mortality rate of 26 per 100,000 populations and 32 per 100,000 populations (Obenetal.,2022).
Home injuries are injuries that occurs within the home and its surroundings and are serious health and public health problems(Paget&Thelot, 2012). Several studies carried out in the United States and Europe reports a high incident rate of home injury consultation, hospitalization, death. In Europe, every year, an estimated population of 452,200 admissions and40,000deaths occur due to home injuries (Helmanet al.,2014). Some people in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Cameroon, are known to live in an unplanned settlement with poorly constructed houses, predisposing them to home injuries that can result to disabilities, loss of productivity, and death (Chenal, 2016).Despite all the disabilities and economic consequences, very little additional research has been done in Sub-Saharan Africa, which could help give guide on the prevention strategies to solve this health issue (Oben et al., 2022).
In a hospital-based study in Cameroon, (Juilliardet al., 2014)home injuries comprised of 20% of all injuries. Researchthat was carried out in the low- and middle-incomecountries suggests that there is low rate of utilization of formal care services. Hospital based data may not be accurate reflect the underlying burden of injury in the population, both by underestimating the magnitude and introducing selection bias regarding the types of injuries reported. Little is known regarding why individuals may or may not choose to seek formal care;furthermore, limits our interpretation of hospital data (Obenet al.,2022).
According to Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is a grand nursing theory that was developed by Dorothea Elizabeth Orem between 1959 and 2001. This theory is also called Orem’s Model of Nursing. This theory focuses on the individual’s ability to perform self-care, which is defined as the practice of activities by individuals’ initiate and performed on their own behalf to maintaining life, health, and well-being.
Orem’s Self- Care nursing theory offers direction for the carers or mothers of children aged 0-5 years old in the environmental setting of homes. In this setting, the mothers assist the children in teaching, guiding, supporting, and providing a developmental environment. These levels of care range from total care, to educating children and people around them and preventing negative health outcomes.The four major concepts of nursing according to Orem’s are: Person, environment, health, and nursing Hartweg, D. L. (2015).
1.2 Problem Statement
Globally, injuries related to home accidents are gradually becoming health problems in our communities. Household mishaps are a major cause of accidental death in many countries. The frequency and severity of accident vary from country to country and home to home (world bank2015) Cameroon, as a developing country with poorly structured houses, isat risk of accidents at home (Chenal J,2016).
World Health Organization (2014) every, year about 830,000 children die from home accident worldwide. According to Paudelet al.,(2014), one factor that plays a critical role both in the occurrence and severity of the injury is the environment of the child. The World Health Organization in 2008, themortality rate in children under five years of age has decrease from 72 in every 1000 children in 1999 to 35 in every 1000children in 2006.
In many situations, children are exposed to danger in many homes.As such, in Sub- Saharan Africa, about 10% of the mortality burden is attributed to injuries. In Cameroon ,the mortality rate was 26 per 100,000 populations (Obenet al.,2016) as a result of home accidents, but unfortunately, they are rather underrated public health problems, and underrated house problemsso therefore, this study is out to examine mother’s knowledge on home accidents and their management among children aged 0-5 yearsin the down beach, (Limbe) Community.
From my observations, home accident is given little or no attention by the parents or caregivers since some of the causes like falls are been ignore or not look upon as reasonable and also parents do not believe that risk resulting from injuries at home can be prevented so therefore they do not take the preventive method seriously and as such I observed that during my stay in Buea Regional hospital must children who were brought in had either drank detergent like “La croix” or rat poisons and so where rush to the hospital for medical attention as such it is the leading cause of death and injuries in Cameroon specifically in the Buea Municipality this motivated me to carry out this research on assessing mothers knowledge on home accident and its management among children of 0-5 years at down beach in the Limbe Municipality .
1.3 Research Question
- What knowledge do mothers have on the management of home accidents in children 0-5 years old at Down Beach Community?
- What knowledge do mothers have on the management of home accidents in children aged 0-5 years at Down beach Community?
- What knowledge do mothers have on the complications of home accidents in children 0-5 years at Down Beach?
Check out: Nursing Project Topics with Materials
This is a premium project material, to get the complete research project make payment of 5,000FRS (for Cameroonian base clients) and $15 for international base clients. See details on payment page
NB: It’s advisable to contact us before making any form of payment
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Using our service is LEGAL and IS NOT prohibited by any university/college policies. For more details click here
We’ve been providing support to students, helping them make the most out of their academics, since 2014. The custom academic work that we provide is a powerful tool that will facilitate and boost your coursework, grades and examination results. Professionalism is at the core of our dealings with clients
Leave your tiresome assignments to our PROFESSIONAL WRITERS that will bring you quality papers before the DEADLINE for reasonable prices.
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