Frequently Asked Questions
What Type of Paper is Accepted on Project-House?
You can publish any research work on PHCS including (articles, papers, and essays, thesis, dissertation, projects, seminars, lesson notes, book reviews, fictional and non-fictional works.Is your service confidential?
While placing an order with our company you will be asked to provide such personal information as your name, phone number and email address. Nevertheless, please note that using project-house.net is totally confidential and we do not distribute your personal information to the third parties. It is very important for you to know that support team may contact you using only particular phone number(s) stated on our web site, such as (+237) 650068843. In order to secure our mutual co-operation, please do not communicate with those who introduce themselves as project-house.com support staff and reach you from other phone numbers!
Is it ethical to receive your help for my work?
We offer original model papers that can be used legally in a number of ways, if properly referenced:
As a source of arguments or ideas for your own research
As a source of additional understanding of the subject
Direct citing
Nonetheless, check your college/university policies, including their definition of plagiarism and paraphrase
How should I use the model answer or paper I get from your website?
Our model answer service gives students an example of how a specific question can be tackled. It may not be the only way the question could be approached, and indeed, you may form an entirely different view to the researcher, but the model answer will provide you with a strong starting point from which to conduct your own research and write your own work. On a step-by-step basis, the correct way to use our model answer is as follows:- Read through the entire model answer so that you completely understand how the question has been answered.
- Re-read each section or paragraph within the model answer and make notes.
- Try to develop your own ideas and arguments from the notes you have taken.
- The next step is to locate the sources the researcher has used within the model answer and review them.
- Use these sources to help further your research by locating more relevant material.
- Read through all the information you have gathered and make further notes on what you want to include in your own work.
- Use the model answer that our researcher has created as a guide to producing your own work. For example, learn from the structure used, the range and quantity of sources used and the level of critical analysis applied within the work.
- Ensure that your final piece of work is 100% original and has been formulated using your own ideas and perspective.
Can I submit the model answer to my university?
No - handing in the work of a researcher is plagiarism because you are passing off someone else's words as your own. Even if you did make minor alterations to the researcher's work, this would still be considered plagiarism; the work you submit to your university should be entirely your own. The custom research we provide will be of far greater benefit to you if you use it in accordance with this Fair Use Policy. You'll improve your grade, learn how to write a great piece of work and feel a great sense of satisfaction for having done a good job.
What software will you use to analyze my data?
The major statistical tool for data analysis is SPSS, STATA and R, Other software’s such as Matlab, SAS and Python are also used.
I don’t have a Mobile money account, Can I use Bitcoins or Ethereum as a method of payment?
es, we accept payment using Bitcoins and Ethereum only. All payments with block chain wallets are made through the wallet ID:(16M7fNDgNPUkrUWV3Sbu7dM2SNuaU2ydtM). However, it’s advisable to make contact with us before undergoing any form of payment.
Is it true that Project-House offers any incentive bonuses?
Yes, when you successfully help someone benefit from our services, you are rewarded 10% of the as your referral income.